Location of Services
Preschool-age children have access to special education services at home or in an early childhood school setting. The site for services is determined by the IFSP Team and is based on factors such as the child's age and needs. School-age students are provided special education services within the district to the extent it is appropriate.
Students whose needs cannot appropriately be met in the district, receive special education service at sites such as those provided through Willmar Public Schools which has a number of campuses in the Willmar area. The District also contracts with the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative and other agencies for special education services at other locations.
Transition Services
When a student reaches age 14 or grade nine, preparing for the transition from school to adult living and work becomes the focus of the instruction and services delivered in and by the school. The Mahtomedi Transition Program and the Work Experience Handicapped Program are in place to help students acquire the skills necessary for life after high school. This includes a focus on:
- Home Living
- Community Participation
- Recreation and Leisure
- Jobs and Job Training
- Post Secondary Education and Training