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Leaves of Absence


The purpose of the resources below is to provide employees with information and guidance related to leaves of absence. The Leave of Absence process is meant to be easy to navifate for employees. The process is short so they can focus on the important event(s) in their life that necessitate the leave. Employees are encouraged to ask questions to HR, because even though the 'rules' of leaves are the same, how they impact an employee may differ based on their role and circumstance. These 'rules' include State & Federal Law, Master Agreements, Policy, and Practice.

Employees are encouraged to consider the type of leave they may need by reading the overview and the Types of Leaves of Absences below. The resources include guidelines, medical certification forms, other related forms, notices of rights and responsibilities related to Family and Medical Leave, and links to important information available on other websites. Bargaining Unit members should also refer to their Master Agreements for leave of absence information.  

Process for Requesting a Leave of Absence


LOA Process


Types of Leaves of Absences

There are various types of leaves of absence available to employees. A leave of absence may be supplemented by paid time off accrued by the employee. Each individual leave request is unique to the situation surrounding the request. Therefore, the best way to determine how to most appropriately meet an employee's needs is to read the options below, fill out the Leave of Absence Request Form and discuss the employee's needs with a member of Human Resources.  
  • Medical Leave - Employee's Own Serious Health Condition
    This type of leave should be utilized when an employee needs to take time away from work for their own personal medical reasons. Usually this type of leave would be requested if the anticipated length of time is three consecutive days of missed work or longer.   
  • Medical Leave - Care for Ill Parent, Spouse, Child or Domestic Partner
    This type of leave should be utilized when an employee  needs to take time away from work to care for an ill family member.  Usually this type of leave would be requested if the anticipated length of time is three consecutive days of missed work or longer.
  • Maternity Leave
    This type of leave should be utilized when an employee needs to take time away from work due to pregnancy and/or the birth of a child.   
  • Childcare Leave
    This type of leave may be requested in conjunction or separate from Maternity Leave to care for a young child/children.
  • Sabbatical Leave
    This type of leave is offered in certain Master Agreements for employees to return to school for advanced education.   
  • Military Leave 
    This type of leave may be requested for employees in training or active service in the Armed Forces of the United States.  
  • Emergency Leave
    This type of leave is offered in certain Master Agreements for employees who have exhausted all paid leave and are experiencing an unforeseen, unavoidable destructive disaster that significantly impairs basic life needs.   
  • Other Leaves Absence 
    This type of leave may be requested and considered on a case by case basis for reasons other than stated above.   


Leave of Absence Request Form

Medical Certifications


Additional Resources and Information



HR Coordinator

Rachel Ree
Human Resources can assist employees and leadership with matters related to Family and Medical Leave or any other types of leave.