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School Meals Policy #534: The purpose of these procedures is to ensure that students receive healthy and nutritious meals through the school district’s nutrition program and that school district employees, families and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy of the school district is to provide meals to students in a respectful manner and to maintain the dignity of students by prohibiting lunch shaming or otherwise ostracizing the student.  The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day and minimize identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for school meals as well as to maintain the financial integrity of the school nutrition program. 

How to Use Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Lost and Misused Ticket Policy: All Willmar Public School students will be required to know their student meal account personal identification number (PIN#).  The Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Department follows the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE-FNS) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Lost, Stolen and Misused Ticket (PIN#s) Policy.

Special Dietary Needs Policy: The purpose of these guidelines is to assist in providing school meals to students who have special dietary needs.

Reimbursable Meals: To assure that students, parents and staff are informed of the Offer versus Serve provision and that it is implemented correctly.

Guest Meals: All meals served to students and adults who are not enrolled in the school district shall be charged at the guest rate.

Cardinal Care Fund:  The food and nutrition department has set up an "angel fund" to help families in need of meal service for their students until they can get their free and reduced application submitted and approved. This fund is also used for families struggling financially to sustain their student's meal account balance. Please contact us at 320-231-8526 if you'd like to donate to this fund.