E-Learning Day Information
Willmar Public Schools have adopted E-Learning for inclement weather days. This means that if we have days in which the weather makes it dangerous for students and staff to travel to school, we will have students learning from home. You may want to review the instructions prior to a weather event, as the weather changes rapidly in the winter. Please read below regarding our weather plan.
Willmar Public Schools Inclement Weather Days
Any inclement weather days (up to 5 days)
E-Learning Days:
Students will be learning from home and the day will not be made up.
Additional information about what we expect from students will be available on the school websites.
Activities will be canceled for that day and may or may not be rescheduled.
No classes will be conducted in the buildings on any inclement weather days.
Buses will not run on inclement weather days.
The State of Minnesota allows up to five days per year to be declared E-Learning Days due to inclement weather. If we exceed five E-Learning Days in a school year, we will need to cancel school for any additional days of inclement weather and determine how to make up those days. The state also requires that an announcement about E-Learning Days be made two hours before school is scheduled to begin. As usual, you will receive an automated phone message to inform you of the change in plans for an inclement weather. Please listen to the entire announcement when you receive the message. You will also be able to see inclement weather announcements on our web page, and our Twitter and Facebook feed. Weather announcements are also shared with several local television and radio stations.
Please feel free to contact your child’s school if you have specific questions about the potential E-Learning plans. Thank you.