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Academics and Curriculum


Students who attend Willmar Public Schools are enrolled in one of three levels of programming:

In addition, Willmar Public Schools also offer early childhood and preschool programming, before- or after-school care, and alternative options for at-risk students.


The curriculum provides all students with learning experiences that lead to expected knowledge, skills, and career and college and career readiness. It is defined as the guaranteed course of study and learning objectives that integrates standards, instructional strategies, materials, and assessments to ensure that all students are able to achieve standards. (Heflebower, 2007)

Academic Standards

Academic Standards are the statewide expectations for all students learning in public schools.  The academic standards are a summary description of student learning in each content area.  Willmar Public Schools, like all districts in Minnesota, is required to follow the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards. The purpose of the standards is to ensure that all students have access to high-quality content and instruction.

MDE’s Academic Standards - Main Page

Arts MN Academic Standards 

English Language Arts MN Academic Standards

Health Education MN Academic Standards

Mathematics MN Academic Standards

Physical Education MN Academic Standards

Science MN Academic Standards

Social Studies MN Academic Standards

World Languages Academic Standards

The Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs)

Instructional Resources

The materials used for instruction which may include printed or digital textbooks as well as other printed and online resources.

Curriculum Review Process

Curriculum is reviewed according to a seven-year curriculum review cycle.

View the seven-year curriculum review cycle

Classroom teachers serve on subject area committees that review current research and best practices in that field. 

They then provide leadership for analyzing and prioritizing the academic standards, selecting appropriate materials, initiating staff development, and implementing changes.
The World’s Best Workforce District Advisory committee which includes school staff, parents, and community members meets regularly to ensure active community participation in each phase of planning and improving instruction and curriculum.  The committee provides recommendations to the school board regarding academic standards, student achievement goals, and learning measures.


Director of Teaching and Learning

Carrie Thomas


Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning

Karen Douglass


Administrative Assistant

Christina Madsen