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About the superintendent

Dr. Jeffrey Holm is superintendent of the Willmar Public School District.

He came to Willmar in 2015 after working as assistant superintendent of Minot Public Schools in North Dakota.

Dr. Holm holds a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of North Dakota and did his dissertation on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in schools.

Letter from the superintendent


On behalf of the Willmar Public School District, I welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you for sharing your children with us. Working with you as partners in educating your children is a privilege. We are working hard to prepare for the students. I want to share some important information about the upcoming school year.  

E-Learning Days 22-23


Willmar Public Schools adopted an e-learning Plan for inclement weather days during the 2021-2022 school year. Based on feedback the District received, we will continue to use the e-learning plan for the 2022-2023 school year. The e-learning plan means students will learn from home using school materials or devices on days we cannot have school on-site due to the weather.  State rules allow school districts to designate up to five inclement weather days as e-learning days. During the 2022-2023 school year, Willmar Public Schools will not be making up inclement weather days unless we exceed the five e-learning days allowed by state rules.  On stormy weather days: 


  • Families and staff members will receive a phone call from our Infinite Campus notification system.  We are required to announce the e-learning day at least two hours before the beginning of the school day, which means you will receive the phone call before 6 AM.

  • Notifications will also be available on the District’s website and social media accounts, as well as on local television channels and radio stations. 

  • Teachers will be available during school hours, and each school will inform parents about how to contact teachers on e-learning days.

  • Activities and athletic practices are canceled on e-learning days.

  • Cardinal Place childcare for school-age children will operate as usual unless an announcement is made that the program will be closed.

  • Additional information about e-learning days and specific student expectations will be provided to parents when the 2022-2023 school year begins. The information will also be available soon on the school district website


COVID Safe Learning Plan (revised 8/22)


To the credit of our staff and you as parents, we completed the 21-22 school year without resorting to universal masking, distance learning, or hybrid schedules due to the COVID pandemic. Currently, we don’t anticipate that those types of restrictions will be necessary for the upcoming school year. However, COVID-19 continues to cause illness worldwide.  The District is required to revise its Safe Learning Plan every six months.  The plan was revised in August of 2022 and is available at


To offer feedback regarding the District’s Safe Learning Plan, please visit


Again,  thank you for enrolling your children in Willmar Public School District.  We are grateful to get the opportunity to serve them.




Dr. Jeffrey Holm, Superintendent   

Dr. Jeffrey Holm

Dr. Jeff Holm



Dr. Jeffrey Holm:
Phone: 320-231-8510

Superintendent's office
611 5th St. SW
Willmar, MN 56201

Office hours:
Monday through Friday 
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.