A school district or charter school must send parents an annual notice that includes the district’s or charter school’s annual testing and remediation plan, information about how to find test results, and a description of the of remediation efforts on the district website. The district or charter school must update the lead testing and remediation information on its website at least annually.
In addition to the annual notice, the district or charter school must include in an official school handbook or official school policy guide information on how parents may find the test results and a description of remediation efforts on the district or charter school website and how that information is updated.
If a test conducted reveals the presence of lead at or above five parts per billion, the school district or charter school must, within 30 days of receiving the test result, either remediate the presence of lead to below five parts per billion, verified by retest, or directly notify parents of the test result.
A district or charter school’s plan to accurately and efficiently test for the presence of lead in water must be publicly available upon request. Minn. Stat. 121A.335
District Lead in Water Testing Policy